Monday, December 21, 2009

Wait--Don't Forget to Stop Bill Bradley!

Original Message:
"Hey, Lynn. It's Chad. I'm calling to see if you would be able to pick up some Sliverleaf coupons from Rick before you come tomorrow. He should be home all day if you want to give him a call, that'd be fabulous. There's $20 worth of coupons. Some of them expire so I wanted to use them and I forgot until I'm almost there, so . . . I would appreciate it. I hope you have a good day. Bye."
What GV Heard:
"Hey man, It's chat. I'm colleagues. The. If you would be able to pick up. Bill Bradley's coupon from right before you come tomorrow, you should be home all day if you want to give him a call back 8 that that there is $20 for the coupon of them expired so I wanted to use them and I forgot stop. I hope that so I would appreciate it. I hope you have a good day. Bye."

Submitted by Lynn in Austin

(Submit Your Google Voice Screwup at the Bottom of the GV Screwups Page)

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